Okay, so you can here see Ceeric and his men in cmbat at the Battle of Kalissa. A very large engagement, the Dark Lord of Astergoth (who is the commander of the Nation arrayed against the Empire; and Saithe even bows to him) has ordered Saithe, the Necromancer from Frame 4, to ambush Imperial Forces who were heading to Kalissa. Only a small remnant of Saithe's forces attacked, while the Dark Lord moved his Orc Hordes from the hills to the North of Kalissa into combat. Two Imperial Legions and 500 Regional soldiers were driven back, resulting in over 1200 Imperial Deaths. Among these were the 100 or so men that Ceeric led.
After Kalissa though, Ceeric heads south, where he is ambushed before he ever makes it back to Imperial Land. At this same time, Saith moves his UndeadArmy of 40,000 south through the White Swamp, while the Astergoth Armies flood towards Northhold, the northernmost fortress of Imperial Eavton. This signifies that te engagement has gone from something of a border skirmish to an all-out invasion.
Below is a map of the Northern Continent before he war commences. The Blue Nation in the middle is Eavton and it's protectorates. The black nation is Astergoth.
Following this, here is a territorial map of the Northern Continent after the war has begun. As you can see, the forces of Astergoth have moved upon many countries in the North. The Red Nation is their ally, Orimfear, and they've assisted in the invasion. Of course, every epic struggle is something like this seemingly with defeat at the doorstep, but we already know that they aren't fated to win.
This is just a unique map that I made t help illustrate points. Im also thinking of starting a diplomacy game or something online. Still unsure as to how I would execute that, but f I gotenough interest, I'd find a way.