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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Knight Spectre Frame 3

Hey Everyone!

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season! First thing I would like to put out, is if you are interested, why don't you check out my book here:

Sedallia: Land of Sails

This is one of my Campaign Setting Projects. And remember, the webcomic is done for free, and is funded by individual purchases like this, and ad revenue from our adsense clicks! We appreciate your support, and we hope we can continue to bring you our stories, and hopefully step the quality up a bit!

In the future, hopefully, I will also have an Eavton Campaign Setting Guide. For those of you unfamiliar, Eavton is the setting for this comic. So it should help make for some interesting Roleplaying Games, if your into that sort of stuff!

Plot Summary:

And here we introduce you to Saithe, the main Antagonist of the comic. He will make more than a few appearances. Not too much is covered about his background here, but he is a Scythian Vampire, from lands in the south. In these lands exist a few Vampiric City-States that masquerade as a confederation of independent trading cities. However, underneath this veneer, beneath the calm river, is a strong current of blood. Eveything in these cities is dependent upon blood and control of it, and they do have a complex economic system, with their currency set upon blood being a commodity.

Saithe himself is a Venerable Vampiric Lord, who is trully ancient and terrible. Scythians gain more power as they consume more blood over their lifetime, but only need 1 quart per day to survive. If taken in the wild, the victim is usually drained, however in the Vampiric States, they have a blood pet system, whereby their are complex rules and laws concerning maintaining a "bloodpet" harem. At a minimum a Vampiric Lord will have a minimum of 10 bloodpets, this allows for a pet who is drained to wait ten days (regenerating the quart of blood) before being drained again. Very few vampires are transient, and thus many have Bloodpet Harems, those that don't depend upon "Bloodbanks" where both the economy and the lifesource of the Vampires is combined.

Saithe himself, as mentioned is very old. His Kingdom consisted of a single trading state, and he had 30 Bloodpets at one time. This allowed him more access, and he gained  power very quickly. At the upper stage of Scythian Power, Scythians are granted dark necromantic abilities, and Saithe himself concentrated on this. He is probably the most powerful Necromancer to exist.

Editor's Note: I absolutely love this specific picture. Here Saithe is sorrounded by his pets, and I love the detail given to his eyes. I felt no need to add any background again, though when I get a colorer, I may have this frame updated, and put on the website.

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